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Learn all about our sacred jewelry. We use powerful symbols, gemstones, and other materials to honor the sacred through jewelry design and expression.

Sacred Symbols:

Om: Om is described as all-encompassing, universal healing vibration. It is believed that as creation began, the divine, all-encompassing consciousness took the form of the first and original vibration manifesting as sound – Om. Before creation began, there was emptiness or the void. But it was more than nothingness because everything then existed in a latent state of potentiality. The vibration of “OM” symbolizes the manifestation of the divine in physical form and is the reflection of the absolute reality. It is said to be without beginning or the end and embracing all that exists. Om is a powerful healing vibration that brings us back into wholeness and harmonious connection with all that is.

Tibetan Double Dorje: Beautifully detailed and richly symbolic, the Tibetan Double Dorje represents firmness of spirit and spiritual power. Dorje is a Sanskrit word meaning thunderbolt and diamond. It possesses the symbolic nature of both a diamond, strong with the ability to cut any surface but not be cut itself and the thunderbolt, a powerful and irresistible force of enlightenment. The Tibetan Dorje is a symbol for the nature of reality, indicating endless creativity, potency, and skillful activity. Known for its double facets, the shape of the Dorje symbolizes the two forms of truth, relative and absolute. It is joined together by a brass center sphere known as the sphere of reality.

Tibetan Dorje: The word Dorje symbolizes the ability to transform one’s experience into an experience of an enlightened perspective. The Dorje symbolizes wisdom and the skillful means of transforming our ordinary experience into one that will propel us forward on our spiritual path.

Namaste: Namaste represents the belief that there is a divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra, and through this humble gesture, we offer an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. Namaste means “The light in me honors and salutes the light in you. When I am in that space, and you are in that space, we are one.” It is the ultimate greeting and blessing of equanimity, respect, and unity.

Sri Yantra: Sri Yantra is a powerful geometric symbol used in visual meditations. The mind and eyes focus at its center in order to achieve higher levels of realization and consciousness. Radiating from the center are multi triangular pyramids, which point towards positive powers and unlimited abundance. Sri Yantra energy is popularly known to provide prosperity, good fortune, peace, and harmony. Your honest prayers to the Sri Yantra will support the manifestation of all of your dream and will aid you in standing boldly in your power to achieve even the grandest of intentions and desires.

108 Bead Mala:  Malas are ancient meditation tools created thousands of years ago by Saints, Sages, and Rishis.  They are used to recite mantras that quiet and focus the mind. As we become calm and centered, we naturally radiate peace and calm to those around us.  Traditionally, malas consist of 108 beads and a Guru bead at the very end by the tassel.  The number 108 has special significance in geometry and is regarded as sacred in many religious traditions throughout history. The Guru bead contains the spiritual energy of all the mantras.

Lotus: The bud of the lotus symbolizes potential, specifically of a spiritual nature. Because the lotus rises from unclean water to blossom as a pure, uncontaminated flower, it is a symbol of purity and resurrection. In the same way, the lotus flower goes through much in its growth before emerging from the dirty water to become a beautiful flower, the individual consciousness does the same on its path to enlightenment as the so-called impurities of unenlightened thinking gradually fade.

The Lotus Mudra: or the Mudra of the Buddha represents the ultimate awakening; that which is beyond words.

Tree of Life: Throughout mythology, the Tree of Life is a powerful symbol that promotes immortality and fertility.  The Tree of Life is most commonly recognized today as representing wisdom, strength, and beauty amongst its branches.

Moksha: The purest essence of Moksha represents liberation from the bondage of a repeated process of death and rebirth or a continual living of the same lessons. By releasing from this cycle, the suffering involved can also be released. Moksha is achieved by removing ignorance and reaching an understanding that the world is impermanent and that consciousness is the only true existence. Moksha is seen as a final release from illusion and the knowledge one’s own fundamental nature. As most repeated life lessons appear in the form of toxic relationships, patterns, and environments, achieving Moksha and breaking these cycles bring true emotional freedom.

Peace Symbol was originally designed by Gerald Holtom as the official logo of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. The symbol spread from Europe across the oceans and was used in Civil Rights marches and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations. The symbol is now recognized all over the world as a universal symbol of peace.

Peace Dove has been a symbol of innocence and peace for thousands of years throughout many different cultures and religions. In Greek mythology, it’s a symbol of love and renewed life. In Christianity, a symbol of life as well as the Holy Spirit. In ancient Japan, a symbol of the end of the war. In European traditions, a symbol that a dying person’s soul would be at peace. Pablo Picasso eventually made the dove a modern symbol of peace when he designed the poster for the World Peace Congress in 1949 featuring a dove.

Hamsa is known as the “Hand of God.” It is used for protection, and it brings forth happiness, health, and good fortune.


Ganesh: Known as the “Lord of Obstacles,” Ganesh is traditionally honored for removing obstacles from our path and allowing for a smooth, effortless flow through life. Occasionally though, Ganesh is known to place obstacles in our path when necessary for our growth, evolution and learning of valuable lessons. Ganesh supports our awakening in all aspects of life and also is a gentle reminder of self-control and moderation. He is the protector or travelers, dispeller of ignorance and great harnesser of universal energy.

Buddha: After his enlightenment, Buddha spent his life spreading the Dharma, his teachings. His compassion knew no bounds and he helped everyone along the way, beggars, kings and slaves alike. Wherever the Buddha went, he won the hearts of the people because he dealt with their true feelings. He advised them not to accept his words on blind faith, but to decide for themselves whether his teachings are right or wrong, then follow them. He encouraged everyone to have compassion for each other and develop their own virtue, “You should do your own work, for I can teach only the way.” Some of Buddha’s most powerful teachings include an understanding of suffering, the wheel of life and living with nobility and humbleness.

Kuan Yin: The goddess Kuan Yin is named after a phrase meaning “observing the cries of the human world”. As such, she is highly respected in all cultures as the goddess of compassion. Kuan Yin is synonymous with the pinnacle of mercy, kindness, and love. Her legend reveals that she forgone the bliss of her own nirvana and enlightenment, and graciously taking a vow to save all people on earth. Kuan Yin energy encourages us to live from a place of understanding, accepting and with reverence for all living beings.

Shiva Nataraja: Known as the “Lord of the Dance,” Shiva Nataraja represents the rhythm and harmony of life. Through his dance, Shiva triumphs over illusion and ignorance. His deliberate hand gestures and accompanying symbols evoke a powerful energy of male-female balance, assertion, living without fear and conquest over death. His third eye is symbolic of his omniscience, insight, and enlightenment. The whole idol rests on a lotus pedestal, the symbol of the creative forces of the universe. Shiva energy can be harnessed to achieve a deep understanding of and surrender to the beautiful ebb and flow between creation and destruction.

Lakshmi: Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. The word ”Lakshmi” is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning “goal.” Lakshmi, therefore, not only represents the goals of life, but also the prosperity that comes with their manifestation. Lakshmi is the embodiment of beauty and is said to bring good luck and fortune. She is believed to protect her devotees from all kinds of misery and money-related sorrows.

Saraswati: Saraswati is the goddess of learning, knowledge, and wisdom. The Sanskrit word sara means “essence” and swa means “self.” Thus Saraswati means “the essence of the self.” Since knowledge is necessary for creation, Saraswati symbolizes the creative power of the universe and is worshipped by all persons interested in knowledge, especially students, teachers, scholars, and scientists. She is always depicted playing a musical instrument, which denotes the mind and intellect. This symbol conveys that the seeker must tune his mind and intellect in order to live in perfect harmony with the world. Such harmonious living enables the individual to utilize acquired knowledge for the welfare of self and of all mankind.

Green Tara: The goddess Tara comes to us in many different forms. Green Tara is known as the goddess of compassion and manifestation.  She is depicted with her leg connecting to the Earth, representing Her power to help manifest of all your Earthly desires.


Om Mani Padme Hum: The most common of all Buddhist prayers, Om Mani Padme Hum is a mantra that embodies compassion and evolution of the Self. Through the practice of repeating the mantra, which is in indivisible union of method and wisdom, you can transform your impure body, speech, and mind into the pure body, speech, and mind of a Buddha. It is said that you should not seek for Buddhahood outside of yourself, because all beings naturally have the Buddha nature in their own continuum. We have within us the seed of purity, the essence of the divine just waiting to be fully developed and transformed.

Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu: This beautiful mantra translates as “May all beings everywhere be happy and free and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.” This mantra inspires us to perform actions that benefit all beings, human and non-human alike and we set the intention to create a world that is harmonious and peaceful. With time and practice, we begin to develop empathy for all beings and realize that we are not different from each other after all. We learn that all beings share the desire for happiness and freedom.

Aham Brahmasmi:  The literal translation is “I AM THAT.” It’s a Sanskrit sutra which means “the core of my being is the ultimate reality, the root, and ground of the universe, the source of all that exists.” When we repeat this sutra and let it resonate deep within, we expand our awareness of our eternal, unbounded nature.


Vata Dosha: When Vata is out of balance, too much air has accumulated in the mind, body, and environment. This prevents one from being grounded. Some of the best stones for Vata balancing are citrine and tiger eye.

Pitta Dosha: When Pitta is out of balance, too much fire has accumulated in the mind, body, and environment. The result is a sense of internal and external combustion. The best stones for Pitta are cool blues (lapis), purples (amethyst), and greens (malachite or jade).

Kapha Dosha: When Kapha is out of balance, too much Earth has accumulated in the mind, body, and environment. The result is a sense of sluggishness, congestion, and dullness. The best stone for Kapha is carnelian, bringing that reddish fire to invigorate.


First Chakra: Muladhara (red)

Located at the base of the spine, the first energy center, sometimes called “the root chakra,” relates to our most basic survival needs and our sense of belonging, whether to our family or a larger group. When this chakra is clear and energy flows through it freely, we feel secure and confident that we can easily fulfill our needs. On the other hand, blockage in this area can cause us to feel anxious and worried. This chakra, which connects us to the earth, gives us vital information about whether actions we’re considering will nourish us or pose a threat. When we have a decision to make, we can listen to the signals of the root chakra: Uncomfortable sensations are a message to be alert and reconsider, while pleasant feelings indicate that a given course of action is likely to meet our needs for safety and nourishment.

Second Chakra: Svadhisthana (orange)

This chakra resides in the reproductive area and is associated with creativity and birth, both literally to a new baby but also metaphorically to new aspects of ourselves, projects and ideas. When this chakra is healthy, we’re tapped into the source of higher energy that helps us write beautiful music, develop an innovative business, or create a loving family life. When this chakra becomes congested, we may experience a block in our creative powers and a sense of dryness or emptiness.

Third Chakra: Manipura (yellow)

The third chakra, which governs our will, self-esteem, and sense of personal power, is located in the solar plexus. When energy flows freely through this center, we’re confident about our ability to manifest our intentions and desires. When the third chakra is blocked, however, we feel powerless and frustrated.

Fourth Chakra: Anahata (green)

This energy center is sometimes referred to as the “heart chakra” because it resonates in the heart and relates to compassion and love. When the fourth chakra is flowing and open, we feel deeply connected to everyone in our life. But when it’s obstructed, we experience loneliness and a sense of alienation.

Fifth Chakra: Vishuddha (blue)

This energy center is localized in the throat area and relates to communication and self-expression . . . the ability to voice our dreams. When our center of communication is clear, we’re able to express our truth without worrying about what others may think. In contrast, with a congested fifth chakra, we feel anxious about how other people will react to our views and are likely to censor ourselves.

Sixth Chakra: Ajna (indigo or violet)

The sixth chakra, also known as the ‘brow chakra” or the “third eye” is located between the eyes. It’s the center of insight, where we integrate all the information and intuition in our life. When energy isn’t flowing easily through this chakra, we have a sense of self-doubt and distrust. When it’s open and clear, we feel deeply connected to our inner wisdom and trust that it guides us in our choices.

Seventh Chakra: Sahaswara (violet or white)

This chakra resides at the crown of the head and is therefore sometimes called the “crown chakra.” It connects us to higher consciousness and pure awareness. The seventh chakra is known as the “Thousand Petaled Lotus,” which bursts open when we remember our true nature and experience enlightenment.


Abalone/Mother of Pearl– Carries the vibrations of love, beauty, gentleness, caring, compassion and peace. Brings forth the healing power of the sea.

African Turquoise– It is a stone that brings structure, balance, and prosperity where it is due. African Turquoise is a stone that hands over a key to a new life with its offerings. This is a stone that awakens the soul to its intended purpose, encouraging the being to make a positive impression while gaining and giving positive wisdom.

Agate– Balances the mental, emotional and physical body. It cleanses and stabilises the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity. Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception and analytical abilities. It soothes and calms, healing inner anger or tension and creates a sense of security and safety.

Aloeswood: attaining clarity, inner peace, good for meditation

Amazonite– Assists one in expressing completely and with love on all matters. Strengthens the ability to bring order out of chaos. Known as the healer of the heart. Associated with filtering out stresses, healing traumas, and soothing energies in the home and workplace.

Amber– Activates a desire to serve humanity, stimulates the intellect and has a soothing and calming energy. Transforms negative energy. Helps the body heal.

Amethyst– Calms the mind. Lends strength and willpower to control undesirable habits. Known as the stone of spirituality, raising one’s vibration. Emotionally, amethyst is used in crystal healing to help heal personal losses and grief, bringing one gently past painful experiences. Amethyst has a gently sedative energy that can promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. It also is said to bring emotional stability and inner strength. Good for Pittas.

Angelite- A stone for raising conscious awareness. Used to verbalize and communicate love and light to the world. A stone filled with compassion. It transmutes pain and disorder into wholeness and healing, opening the way for spiritual inspiration. It creates a deep feeling of peace and tranquility. It helps connect to universal knowledge and raises awareness.

Aquamarine– Reduces fear and stimulates self-expression. Helps one to feel safe while moving through the changes of life. Provides a shield for the aura. Aquamarine is a stone of courage. Its calming energies reduce stress and quiets the mind. It can invoke tolerance of others and overcomes judgmentalism, giving support to those overwhelmed by responsibility.

Aqua Terra (in the jasper family) is a wonderful stone for helping one find inner peace, clarity, love and compassion, helps with the alignment of the physical and “Light” bodies and is an excellent stone for emotional healing.

Aventurine– Supports one’s ability to honor and trust one’s decisions. Helps to relieve anxiety and fear. Enhances creativity. Balances male/female energies. Green Aventurine comforts, harmonizes, protects the heart, and can help attract love.. It is one of the premier stones to attract luck, abundance and success. Green Aventurine has a particularly soothing energy behind it, and is recommended for working through unresolved emotional issues.

Black Onyx -A powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief.

Black Spinel– Provides encouragement and grounding. Called the “stone of immortality.” Enhances ability to follow through with one’s plans and dreams.

Black Tourmaline- A strong, spiritually grounding stone that is believed to be the best stone for protection against negative energy of all kinds. It also encourages positive attitudes, good luck, and an ability to find happiness regardless of the circumstances that you find yourself in.

Blue Topaz– Stimulates the throat chakra to help express and manifest one’s desires. Brings body, mind, and spirit into union with the universal life force.

Blue Lace Agate– Helps one to reach exalted spiritual states. A highly inspirational influence when used for inner-balance and awareness. It is an excellent emotional healing stone, with strong metaphysical properties.  It brings about  a lovely sense of tranquility, as it alleviates anger and nervous tension. It is a soothing and nurturing stone, that will bring you calmness and peace of mind.

Botswana Agate: It is comforting and protective, soothing to those who are lonely, easily hurt or grieve a loss. Its quiet energy is particularly centering in meditation, and as a fortification Agate, it supports love and the strength to look for solutions rather than dwelling on difficulties.

Carnelian– Great for meditating on happiness and dream fulfillment. Supportive in opening the heart center,restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Good for Kaphas.

Chalcedony– Useful for balancing the energy of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Encourages generosity, responsiveness, and receptivity.

Chrysocolla– Revitalizes and calms the first three chakras. Helps one attune to Earth’s energies. Promotes physical vitality. Helps release negative emotions.

Chrysoprase– Provides an attitude of acceptance and non-judgment. Enhances the physical body.

Cinnabar brings powerful transformation that encourages you to use its energy to fully embrace your inherent genius. It is a powerful stone to use during meditation, as it enables you to better understand the flow of energy from the Divine source to the physical world.

Citrine– Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression. Enhances concentration and revitalises the mind. It releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias. Emotionally balancing.The most Vata balancing of all stones. Soothing and calming. Supports in the accomplishment of new beginnings and matters of daily living.

Coral– Supports the ability to allow for flow and change in one’s life. Stimulates tissue regeneration.

Drusy– Often associated with peace, tranquility, patience, intuition and unconditional love. Has also been said to aid in the relief of ulcers and arthritis.

Garnet– Is known as “a stone of commitment” to purpose, to others and to oneself.  Reflects the attributes of devotion, love, and understanding. Purifies the heart, lungs, blood and regenerates DNA. Garnet boosts the immune system and energy levels. Garnet represents love. It revitalises feelings and enhances sexuality, bringing warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty to a relationship. A tri-doshic stone.

Hematite- A grounding stone that balances the yin-yang energies. Hematite endows us with courage, willpower, confidence, and vitality while dissipating negative energy. Hematite stimulates mental concentration and focus and helps one to overcome compulsions and addictions.

Herkimer Diamond- is a doubly terminated stone (points on both ends) and is considered the most powerful of all the quartz crystals. They are exceptionally strong healing stones used in meditation as well as dream and vision work. The Herkimer diamond is known for its ability to clear electromagnetic pollution, radioactivity, and environmental stress. It was discovered in Herkimer, New York and is almost exclusively found in that part of the world.

Howlite– Great stone for meditation.  It facilitates awareness and encourages emotional expression. Helps relieve pain and stress. Strengthens reasoning and patience. Howlite is predominantly a calming stone. It will aid in sleeping, calming the overactive mind, eases insomnia, aids in dream retention and stress relief. Physically, it calms the whole body and releases muscle tension. It eliminates pain brought about by stress.

Iolite– Clears negative thoughts patterns and banishes the blues. Encourages one to be secure in oneself and face fear head-on.

Jade–  Generates divine unconditional love. Assists one in being in touch with one’s desires. Helps in building the bridge to create dreams into reality. It’s mainly considered as a symbol of serenity, tranquility, and purity. It’s a stone that’s believed to bring in good luck, friendship, peace, and harmony. Jade is also known as a protective stone because of its abilities to ward off the negative energies .

Jasper– Known as a protector. Helps to stabilize emotions.  Jaspers are the nurturers, the healers and the spirit stones of courage and wisdom. They all carry a strong connection to the Earth’s energy, making the jasper healing properties very beneficial for grounding, stability and strength.

Kyanite– Brings tranquility and a calming effect to the whole being. Aligns and opens all chakras.

Kunzite– An excellent stone for those who are not totally relaxed when expressing the emotions of the heart space.

Labradorite– Helps one to advance without constraint. Provides insight and clarity of purpose. Assists in understanding one’s destiny. A stone of transformation.  It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies.

Lapis– Gives spiritual illumination, knowledge, and understanding of the sacred nature of things. Great for communication. Lapis Lazuli will work through the fifth chakra to encourage your creativity and psychic communication abilities. It is a powerful stone in creating depth and clarity in your thinking and in your communications. Lapis Lazuli also ensures that the words you speak are in alignment with your personal truth.

Lava-is a grounding stone that strengthens one’s connection to Mother Earth. It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change. It provides guidance and understanding in situations where we may need to “bounce back”. A calming stone, it is very useful in dissipating anger.

Lepidolite– Reduces the tendency to stress and worry needlessly. Supports harmonious transitions. Facilitates hope and acceptance.

Magnesite Aids in making amazing positive changes in one’s life. Instills deep peace during meditation, enhances visualisation and imagery and can promote dynamic and revolutionary ideas. It assists in producing an opening of the crown chakra.

Malachite– Assists one in accepting and allowing for one’s shortcomings. Assists in clearing and activating all the chakras. Stimulates the heart chakra, manifestations, love, light, and brings abundance.

Black Onyx– Encourages good fortune and enhances self-control. Stimulates decision-making capabilities. A powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of, stress, confusion or grief.

Peach Moonstone– Calms and brightens the emotions, lifts one’s vibration, helps open up to the feminine energy within, reminds one of their own worth and value, helps to perceive the positive in all situations, soothes the worry and the anxious, developers intuition. 

Pearls– Calming to the mind and emotions. Enhances personal integrity. They bring centering and a calming reflection, as well as attune the wearer to the ebb and flow of life. They are told that they give purity, promote faith and charity.

Peridot– Promotes strength and regeneration. Balances the energy to transcend the ego. Cleanses and stimulates the heart and third chakra.

Peruvian Opal– Aids in restoring harmony on all levels. Opens one to the spontaneity of action and decisions.

Pyrite- A unique protector from negative energy, emotional attack, and physical harm. It enhances willpower and the ability to see behind facades to what is real. It is regarded as a stone of action, stimulating creativity, vitality and the will to tap into one’s abilities and potential. It brings confidence and the persistence to carry things through to completion. It enhances one’s ability to generate wealth.

Quartz Crystal– Known as the Master Healer.  Amplifies and assists one in increasing the force of thought for sending and receiving energy. Provides for personal strength. from helping to expand consciousness to facilitating open communication and stimulating the chakras. For those needing clarity of mind, clear quartz healing properties will eliminate energy blockages and allow energy to flow smoothly throughout the body.

Rhodochrosite– Creates emotional balance and assists one in increasing feelings of self-worth and self-esteem.

Rhodonite– Balances yin and yang and duality of thought. Promotes a sense of inner calm and self-assuredness.

Rose Quartz– is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Opens and balances the heart center.

Ruby– Stimulates the heart chakra and helps one to reach their most sought-after goals. Stimulates mental concentration.

Rudraksha– Balancing, grounding, and purifying. Seeds of the Rudraksha tree are utilized as sacred prayer beads. The Rudraksha bead is said to originally come from  Shiva’s tears.   According to mythology, Lord Shiva was said to have spent 1000 years in meditation for the benefit of all beings, and upon opening his eyes, tear drops rolled down from his eyes and landed upon the earth taking birth as the sacred Rudraksha tree. Asian Yogis and Monks found that merely wearing the Rudraksha beads gave them astonishingly tremendous amount of tranquility and concentration that helped them meditate for a long periods of time with spectacular control over their mind.

Rutilated Quartz– Promotes insight, stimulates awareness and aids in communication.

Sandalwood– Attracts positive energy and clear perception. Promotes tranquility. Very calming and relaxing. It is a memory booster and is very anti-inflammatory.

Serpentine– Enhances meditative qualities. Good for the emotional system. Clears the chakras.

Smokey Quartz– A “stone of cooperation.” Stimulates the unification of energies directed toward the same goal. Grounding stone.

Sodalite– Helps to eliminate confusion. Brings lightness of heart. Encourages self-esteem.

Sugilite– Attracts healing power. Said to be “a love stone for this age.” Stimulates inspiration and confidence.

Sunstone: Dissipates fear, alleviates stress, and increases vitality.

Tiger Eye–  Evokes brightness and optimism. A stone of protection, Tiger Eye brings good luck to the wearer. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. Particularly useful for  dispelling fear and anxiety.

Topaz– Assists one in attracting and absorbing that which is needed from the universe.

Pink Tourmaline– Stimulates the heart chakra and encourages the universality of unconditional love.

Green Tourmaline– Opens the heart chakra. Enhances the quality of compassion.

Turquoise– Excellent stone for spiritual receptivity and awareness. A grounding stone that provides strength and protection. Turquoise is among the crystal healing master stones. According to followers of the New Age, the healing powers of Turquoise can benefit the whole body, with special strengths in healing ailments of the immune, respiratory, waste and skeletal systems.


*** No toxic metals are ever used in any of our jewelry components.

Gold: Gold has been considered the king of metals for centuries. It’s associated with the Sun and is considered to generate heat and energy for its wearers. It opens you up to wisdom, prosperity, and all around success, while also inspiring virtue, moral excellence and nobility of the mind. Gold strengthens its wearer’s self-confidence and promotes positive thinking and a cheerful attitude.

Silver: Whereas gold is the metal of the sun, silver is the metal of the moon. Silver is often related to women and feminine energy, and is associated with many ancient Goddesses. Like the moon and water, silver is reflective and used to mirror the soul bringing people calm and balance. It is the metal of emotions, love, and healing. It helps us remove anger and soothe the mind, making it a powerful anti-anxiety metal that creates a sense of harmony and personal power.

Copper: Healers base their belief in Copper’s power to heal the mind and body based on the metal’s energy conducting properties. Copper can stimulate the flow of energy thereby helping the wearer overcome lethargic tendencies, resulting in a more vitalized person. They also attribute powers of communication, purification, increasing self-esteem and freeing the wearer of mental burdens. Not only is copper recognized as a very powerful aide for alleviating arthritic and rheumatic diseases, but also for its ability to improve the circulation of blood, increase energy, detoxify the body, reduce inflammation, and stabilize metabolism. Copper is recognized by the scientific and medical communities for its amazing germicidal attributes as well;  95% fewer micro-organisms are found on copper when compared to other materials/metals.

Brass: As an alloy of copper and zinc. Copper is the main component and therefore gives brass the same attributes you would find in copper, including its healing and germicidal properties.

Bronze: An alloy consisting mostly of copper (the bronze we use is over 90% copper) and shares the same healing properties. Bronze has been used in the manufacture of various types of medals for centuries and is known in contemporary times for being awarded for third place in sporting competitions and other events. The later usage was in part attributed to the choices of gold, silver, and bronze to represent the first three Ages of Man in Greek mythology: the Golden Age, when men lived among the gods; the Silver age, where youth lasted a hundred years; and the Bronze Age, the era of heroes, and was first adopted at the 1904 Summer Olympics.

Stainless Steel: Included here since it is an underappreciated metal and a lot of jewelry is made from it. If you have allergies, steel is usually the best metal to wear. Also, stainless steel will never go dull. It will always have a beautiful shiny sparkle. This common yet powerful metal protects from anything that would drain you of energy: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.

Rhodium:  Is hypo-allergic metal and considered like a durable non-tarnishing sterling silver. Plated over sterling silver, bronze, or copper.


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