108 Bead Mala and Dosha Story


108 Bead Malas with the purple pitla story, the redish Keph story, and the yellow/gold Uata story

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108 Bead Malas with the purple pitla story, the redish Keph story, and the yellow/gold Uata story

108 Bead Mala:  Malas are ancient meditation tools created thousands of years ago by Saints, Sages, and Rishis.  They are used to recite mantras that quiet and focus the mind. As we become calm and centered, we naturally radiate peace and calm to those around us.  Traditionally, malas consist of 108 beads and a Guru bead at the very end by the tassel.  The number 108 has special significance in geometry and is regarded as sacred in many religious traditions throughout history. The Guru bead contains the spiritual energy of all the mantras.

Vata Dosha: When Vata is out of balance, too much air has accumulated in the mind, body, and environment. This prevents one from being grounded. Some of the best stones for Vata balancing are citrine and tiger eye.

Pitta Dosha: When Pitta is out of balance, too much fire has accumulated in the mind, body, and environment. The result is a sense of internal and external combustion. The best stones for Pitta are cool blues (lapis), purples (amethyst), and greens (malachite or jade).

Kapha Dosha: When Kapha is out of balance, too much Earth has accumulated in the mind, body, and environment. The result is a sense of sluggishness, congestion, and dullness. The best stone for Kapha is carnelian, bringing that reddish fire to invigorate.

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